All testimonials are unprompted.

“While SIFA Professional membership does not guarantee new business, it certainly helps. For example, SIFA Professional come to Worthing each year to present at our introducer workshop.”

Ivan Lyons, Investment Solutions, Worthing

“I feel being a SIFA Professional member has benefited us in so many ways, most notably of late, being kept up to date with the new SRA Rules and Regulations and the new Codes of Conduct. Being so well informed truly enables us to engage with solicitors and discuss how we can help.”

Paul Gorman, Beaufort Financial, West Midlands

“ Having worked with SIFA Professional for several years, we have found their in depth knowledge and guidance to be invaluable, We have built our business on working with legal firms and therefore it is always helpful to have Dave and his team talk the same language.”

Colin Low, Kingsfleet Wealth, Suffolk

“Our business has been built on the back of relationships with other professional firms. Membership of SIFA Professional has helped immeasurably over the years. Their support, including presenting at our seminars, has been a key ingredient to our success.”

Kevin Ferriby, Informed Financial Planning, Leeds